
Showing posts from October, 2017

Have You Taken Your T.E.M.P. Lately?

Is there a STRUGGLE going on inside you? “STRUGGLE” is nothing but “Energy laced with negative emotions.”  Think of the many times you STRUGGLE to accomplish things, whether personally or professionally. It’s like you’re carrying around a ten pound bag of potatoes. You feel weighed down in all senses: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Take a deep breath right now and consider the following:  Have You Taken Your T.E.M.P. Lately? o    T = TIME as in Manage your TIME!   We all have habits that use up precious time. We stay on Social Media too long, we get caught up in unnecessary chores, we don’t combine trips to stores, etc.  I know I do! It' s a challenge for me to set timetables to do domestic chores, writing, blogging, newsletters and networking. So, I write everything in my calendar including family dinners, watching my Grandchild, and professional activities. In other words, if you want to see your nephew’s baseball game, write it into