Have You Taken Your T.E.M.P. Lately?

Is there a STRUGGLE going on inside you? “STRUGGLE” is nothing but “Energy laced with negative emotions.” 
Think of the many times you STRUGGLE to accomplish things, whether personally or professionally. It’s like you’re carrying around a ten pound bag of potatoes. You feel weighed down in all senses: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Take a deep breath right now and consider the following: 

Have You Taken Your T.E.M.P. Lately?

o   T = TIME as in Manage your TIME!  We all have habits that use up precious time. We stay on Social Media too long, we get caught up in unnecessary chores, we don’t combine trips to stores, etc.
 I know I do! It' s a challenge for me to set timetables to do domestic chores, writing, blogging, newsletters and networking. So, I write everything in my calendar including family dinners, watching my Grandchild, and professional activities. In other words, if you want to see your nephew’s baseball game, write it into your calendar as an appointment…because it is! And then tell anyone who wants to meet that day that you are already booked. Find an alternative that is convenient for both of you.

o    E= ENERGY as in Manage your ENERGY! This can be a course in self-awareness all by itself! It’s a matter of being aware of your habits. Things like how do you react to others? It’s also about ENERGY ROBBERS! How much energy do you let others take from you? Do you have an acquaintance that calls you up to talk about his/her drama and then leaves you hanging when you want to talk? Can you feel when your energy is plummeting? Do you tend to take on too much? Is there a time of day where you have more/better energy than another? When you do repetitive tasks does it drag you down? Are you in a job that sucks the life out of you even though you might even be “fulfilled” in it? Can you tell how much you’ll have to give to your loved ones once you come home from the job?

o   MINDSET = Managing your MIND. Do you ever give yourself a mental break? When was the last time you had time with Nature by yourself? What are ways you break from the grind? Go for a round of golf? Take a walk? Bike ride? Swim? Get on your motorcycle and feel the wind in your hair? What kind of talk do you tell yourself every day?  It has been said that the most creative thoughts come after these moments. Go!!

o   P = PURPOSE – Now I understand there are libraries with information about your purpose in life! The one thing I emphasize about living your purpose is to align yourself with your values. Have you ever sat down and written your values? Are they all tangible or are some abstract? We need both. Take for instance a tangible value like “Money.” An abstract of that could be “Freedom.” When you have more money you have more freedom of choice. In my presentations on Have You Taken Your T.E.M.P.?” participants circle values from a list and then add their own. Many are values I had not considered such as “candor, appreciation, flow, fluency, exploration, impartiality, poise, restraint, traditionalism, zeal and more. For example, take the intangible value of “Availability.” Perhaps you value that in a particular person because they give of their time or acknowledgment to you and you appreciate that. Values go far beyond that which is palpable. Create what is of Value to you!

Four tips when linking what you are striving for to your values are:

Ø  WRITE YOUR INTENTIONS! Have them be noticeable. Hang sticky notes all around your office or personal space.  Be specific. Ex., “I intend to have daily chats with my loved one.” Or, “I intend to have three more leads for business this month.”
Ø  DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS OUT LOUD! Say it to someone you trust. Say it to the Universe. Say it to God. Whatever is good for you, SAY IT!
Ø  TAKE ACTION STEPS! The farmer didn’t grow his crops by looking at them! Again, write down what steps you will take NOW!

I hope this has been “of value” to you!
Linda McCarrin & Associates, LLC

